Breaking: The Most Terrifying Plane Landings Ever Captured On Camera Super Scary Plane Landings (video) - NEWS

Breaking: The Most Terrifying Plane Landings Ever Captured On Camera Super Scary Plane Landings (video)

Aviation, while statistically one of the safest modes of transport, occasionally presents moments that can terrify even the most seasoned travelers. High winds, poor visibility, and technical malfunctions can turn landings into hair-raising experiences. Below are some of the most terrifying plane landings ever captured on camera, showcasing the skill and composure of pilots under extreme conditions.

1. Crosswind Landings at Gibraltar Airport

Gibraltar Airport is notorious for its challenging landing conditions, largely due to strong crosswinds and its short runway bordered by the sea on both ends. Videos frequently show planes battling severe side winds, their wings tilting dramatically as pilots struggle to align with the runway. These landings test the limits of both pilot skill and aircraft capabilities.

2. Wellington Airport in New Zealand

Known for its unpredictable weather, Wellington Airport sees many intense landings. The airport’s location in a narrow stretch of land between mountains and the Cook Strait makes it susceptible to sudden wind shifts. Footage often shows planes swaying precariously as they approach the runway, sometimes needing to abort the landing attempt and circle around for another try.

3. Princess Juliana International Airport, St. Maarten

This airport is famous for its low-altitude approach over Maho Beach. Videos of landings here show aircraft skimming just above beachgoers’ heads before touching down. While thrilling for spectators, these approaches require precision and nerve from the pilots, who must deal with potential downdrafts and the narrow runway.

4. Madeira Airport, Portugal

Built on a platform extending over the ocean, Madeira Airportโ€™s unique design comes with its own set of challenges. Strong winds and turbulent air currents coming off the mountains make for a bumpy final approach. Videos capture planes bouncing on the runway during touchdowns, with pilots sometimes having to execute go-arounds.

5. Paro Airport, Bhutan

One of the most dangerous airports in the world, Paro Airport requires pilots to navigate through a valley surrounded by 18,000-foot peaks. The approach involves a steep descent and sharp turns. Only a handful of pilots are certified to land here. Videos of landings at Paro show planes weaving between mountains and descending sharply to reach the runway.

6. Toncontin International Airport, Honduras

Toncontin is infamous for its short runway and the mountainous terrain surrounding it. Pilots must make a sharp, 45-degree turn just before landing, which is a maneuver not typically required at other airports. Footage often shows planes banking steeply and landing at what seems like the last possible moment.

7. Birmingham Airport, UK

Birmingham Airport has seen its share of dramatic landings, particularly during storms. High winds have forced planes to approach at extreme angles, almost landing sideways to maintain course. Videos from Storm Doris in 2017 show several near-misses and hard touchdowns that tested the pilotsโ€™ expertise.

8. Kai Tak Airport, Hong Kong (Closed in 1998)

Though no longer in operation, Kai Tak Airport is legendary for its heart-stopping landings. Pilots had to navigate between skyscrapers and make a sharp right turn at low altitude just before landing. Historic footage shows planes barely clearing buildings, with the ground coming up rapidly during the turn.


These terrifying landings are a testament to the advanced training and skill of pilots worldwide. Each video captures the drama and intensity of what can be the most stressful part of flyingโ€”landing. While such incidents are rare and modern aviation is exceptionally safe, these moments remind us of the complexity and challenges faced by those who navigate the skies.

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