Debate Among Thai Internet Users Over Authenticity of Mekong River Bronze Buddha Statue - NEWS

Debate Among Thai Internet Users Over Authenticity of Mekong River Bronze Buddha Statue

The recent discovery of a large bronze Buddha statue in the Mekong River has sparked a heated debate among Thai internet users. Unearthed in March, this statue was found opposite the Chiang Saen district in Chiang Rai province. The discussion centers on whether the statue is a genuine artifact or a cleverly planted fake.

A significant number of users suspect foul play, suggesting that the statue might have been deliberately placed in the riverbed to fabricate a sensational discovery and gain financial profit. This theory posits that the statue’s presence is too convenient and orchestrated to be a true ancient relic.

On the other side of the debate, many believe the statue is authentic, estimating it to be approximately 500 years old. These individuals argue that the statue’s craftsmanship and historical context align with genuine artifacts from the region.

This contrasting perspective highlights a broader discussion about the preservation and discovery of historical artifacts in Thailand. The authenticity of the bronze Buddha statue remains a point of contention, reflecting deeper issues of trust and verification in archaeological finds.

As authorities and experts continue to investigate, the true nature of this intriguing find will hopefully come to light, offering either validation for skeptics or triumph for those who hold it to be a genuine piece of history.


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