Right, what is going on with Hailey and Justin Bieber and all these divorce rumours? - NEWS

Right, what is going on with Hailey and Justin Bieber and all these divorce rumours?

Hailey and Justin Bieber are probably one of the most outwardly loved-up couples in Hollywood, so why are their names and divorce rumours mentioned in the same sentence? They constantly showcase their undying love for each other on social media and in legacy print media. However, there have been whisperings of trouble in paradise. Was their recent visit to the Super Bowl all for the cameras? Is true love dead?  Well, if you want an explanation, you’ve come to the right place because I am about to break it down and explain why so many people think Hailey and Justin Bieber are facing divorce rumours.

The divorce speculation was provoked from Justin and Hailey’s own family ranks

See, Hailey’s father is the actor Stephen Baldwin, who is partial to sharing his thoughts via front-facing-to-camera Instagram Reels. He also loves to share on his Story. Most of his posts are unremarkable. However, he recently did put something there that caught people’s attention: A video posted by his pastor, Victor Mark, of Justin singing. In the caption, Victor had written: “Christians, please, when you think of Justin and Hailey, take a moment to offer a little prayer for them to have wisdom, protection and draw close to the Lord.” According to TMZ, Hailey was said to be spitting feathers about her dad posting this.

Anyway, the request and the overall vagueness sparked many questions. It was only back in September that Justin celebrated five years of wedded bliss in a very gushing anniversary message on social media, labelling her his “beloved” and detailing how much he loved her “with every fibre of my being”. In May last year, Hailey told The Sunday Times that she was desperate to have kids with Justin but was scared of them growing up in the limelight.

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