Sophia Bush Barrels Through The Controversy Of 'Profound' Moment Of Coming Out (Amid Cheating Allegations) - NEWS

Sophia Bush Barrels Through The Controversy Of ‘Profound’ Moment Of Coming Out (Amid Cheating Allegations)

Sophia Bush is responding to all the noise after coming out as queer last week!

In case you missed it, the John Tucker Must Die star penned a lengthy essay for Glamour’s cover story last Thursday. In it, she officially came out, confirmed her relationship with soccer player Ashlyn Harris, addressed the end of her marriage, and spoke up about cheating rumors. You can catch up on all of that HERE. And now, after fans had a LOT to say about her attempt to change the narrative on the cheating scandal, she’s speaking out again — and sharing a cryptic quote on top of it.

On Sunday, the 41-year-old took to Instagram to write this, which included a quote from the poet Maggie Smith:

“I feel like last summer I had my very first birthday. My own. And last summer Maggie Smith’s words helped me begin to understand why. From afar, she helped me put myself back together. She said: ‘How I picture it: We are all nesting dolls, carrying the earlier iterations of ourselves inside. We carry the past inside us. We take ourselves — all of our selves — wherever we go. Inside forty-something me is the woman I was in my thirties, the woman I was in my twenties, the teenager I was, the child I was… I still carry these versions of myself. It’s a kind of reincarnation without death: all these different lives we get to live in this one body, as ourselves.’ — @maggiesmithpoet”

Sophia then continued:

“This week I got to share my own words, that I wrote down from the bottom of my ever-evolving heart. When I uttered ‘I really love who I am, at this age, and in this moment’ I sort of couldn’t believe it. It just fell out of me. Simple. But profound. I’ve always wanted to feel that in my bones. Suddenly I do. It took a long time and a lot of work to get here.

To any of who on your own journey, and to the countless number of you who’ve shared your hearts, kindness, hidden truths, and stunning responses to my essay … I see you. I do. We are all in this together. Walking each other home. Here is to the becoming”

Well… Everyone is in it together except the great mass of folks who felt like she was cheapening the event of coming out by using it as a shield for bad behavior. But we guess she’s going to forge forward ignoring all of that from now on? From the sound of this quote it kiiiiiinda feels like she’s in a bubble choosing not to hear any of that criticism, right?

See her full post (below):

Thoughts?? Sound OFF with your takes on Sophia speaking up like this down in the comments (below)!

[Images via Avalon/MEGA/WENN]


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