YouTuber Breaks Neck & Back In Paraglider Crash - And It's All On Film! - NEWS

YouTuber Breaks Neck & Back In Paraglider Crash — And It’s All On Film!

An extreme sports enthusiast nearly lost his life after a BRUTAL fall… and he captured it all on camera!

Paraglider Anthony Vella boasts over 24,000 subscribers on YouTube, where he regularly shares clips from his flights. But on Saturday, he posted the SHOCKING video of a fall that almost took his life.

In the 23-minute clip, Anthony flies through the Texas skies when all of the sudden a look of pure horror wipes across his face — as his motorized paraglider suddenly plummets! The YouTuber ultimately fell 85 feet before hitting the earth, leaving him helpless and screaming in agony. He used Siri to dial 911, and two eyewitnesses also came to his rescue. But the damage from the massive fall was done long before paramedics could arrive.

At the hospital he was diagnosed with a fractured back, neck, and pelvis, as well as a broken arm. He’ll require major surgery — but he’s alive! OMG!! He later shared a clip of himself in the hospital bed, too, as you can see (below):

We’re just thankful he’s alive! / (c) Anthony Vella/YouTube

Holy s**t!!

He was cruising at 50mph before his terrifying fall, which was apparently caused by a tension knot Anthony missed before taking off. It’s frankly a miracle he survived! See the full video of his terrifying crash (below):

His wife wrote in the YouTube video:

“We have felt the love and support from all of you and will never be able to articulate just how much it means to him, me, and our family. Anthony is very excited to get back to his strong and active self.”

Wow. We’re sending healing energy his way!!

[Images via Anthony Vella/YouTube]


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